These hand-blended loose incense rituals have been created with a mix of blessed seasonal herbs to empower your Sabatt Ritual.
Yule (Winter Solstice) marks the return of the sun and the lengthening of days, a time for introspection and celebration of endurance and the power of hope. Yule is a time for restoration and reflection.
Imbolc (Candlemas) is the start of days getting longer and marks the beginning of Spring as it ignites a spark of rejuvenation within us. Take this time to practice rejuvenating self-care and regain inspiration.
Ostara (Spring Equinox) has been celebrated throughout history as a time of renewal and rebirth. This Sabbat is one of rejoicing in all life. This holiday is considered the marker of the coming of spring and the preparation for the planting season.
Beltane (May Day) is when the cares and fears of winter are sloughed off, giving way to warmth and light. Beltane is a festival of life, it is a time to celebrate the earth and the new life it is stimulating.
Litha (Summer Solstice) is a time to celebrate the light and the beginning of summer. On this Midsummer day, the sun is closest to the earth and the longest day of the year. It is a time to enjoy the growth around us. This loose-leaf incense blend will help you connect to the power of the sun!
As Lammas (Lughnasadh) kicks off August, the energy of the entire month is bountiful, productive, and that of celebration. Internally, you should reap the benefits of the magickal seeds you planted back in the spring, and make note of your accomplishments so far this year.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox) is an important turning point of the year. It is a moment of perfect balance between night and day, light and dark. The days will become shorter and the nights will become longer. Mabon is a time of celebration.
Samhain (Summer’s End) It is a time to remember our ancestors, and a time to celebrate the harvest and all that has been accomplished throughout the year. Samhain (All Hallow’s Eve) is a time for casting from you that which you no longer want, and for setting goals to achieve in the next year.